
Keyword: asymmetric information

Dying for Money? (12/7/2000)

Compensated physician-assisted death could reduce end-of-life health care expenditures and reduce pain and suffering.

Keywords: asymmetric information, benefit conversion, cash payment, de facto property right, death benefit, entitlement, health care, Medicare, moral hazard, payment in kind, physician-assisted death, suicide

Insurance at Risk (11/10/2000)

Genetic test results on fatal diseases could lead to adverse selection of membership in life and health insurance if unfavorable results are concealed from insurers.

Keywords: adverse selection, asymmetric information, exclusion principle, genetic tests, health insurance, Huntington's disease, life insurance, premium, risk, risk pooling, uncertainty

Joint Liability as Loan Collateral (8/16/2000)

The Grameen Bank in Bangladesh uses joint liability as a screening device to overcome insufficient information on the soundness of individual loan projects and to circumvent the dangers of providing loans without collateral among the poor.

Keywords: asymmetric information, Bangladesh, default, Grameen Bank, joint liability, loan collateral, Mohammad Yunus, peer monitoring, repayment

Market Intervention and Regulation (7/7/2006)

Market regulation may be justified under some circumstances to increase economic efficiency.

Keywords: antitrust, asymmetric information, commons goods, cost effectiveness, intervention, lemons, market, pollution, prescription drugs, public goods, Regulation

The Market Role of Information (7/7/2006)

Information or the lack of it may make or break a market.

Keywords: adverse selection, Asymmetric information, auction, efficiency, free trials, insurance, market signaling, quality, risk, warranty